Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, I'm pretty new to this whole blog thing. I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm not sure if it is me or blogspot, but I haven't been able to leave any comments on this blog. Since the discussion in the comments section is a huge part of a blog, I've really felt this lack.

I finally tried looking at my blog in Internet Explorer (I normally use Firefox) and it was a revelation! First of all, my blog looks pretty crappy through Explorer. Nothing is centered exactly right, and there are some differences in the colors. It's a little ugly. BUT (and here's the important bit) I can leave comments.

So. If you are using Explorer, I encourage you to look at the world through the eyes of another browser. And if you can't leave comments, you can go to Explorer, but don't pay too much attention to the look of the blog.

Or maybe I'm the only one with this weird problem. I probably hit a button somewhere. Or something. Ah, technology!


  1. I am viewing your Steller Skies blog right now in Internet Explorer and it looks fine. Exactly the same as it looks in Firefox. No problem!

    Does anyone know the differences between Firefox and Explorer?

  2. In defense of Internet Explorer...I checked the blog from another computer, using Explorer, and it looks just like it does on Firefox at home. I guess the home computer just has an old version of Explorer. So, it isn't Explorer's fault!
